Deception was both the 2nd 3D and 2nd 6th console generation entry in the series after MK: Deadly Alliance. On October 4, 2004, also known as “Mortal Monday”, the sixth main installment of the Mortal Kombat franchise was released in North America on PS2 and Xbox. The game was every bit as enjoyable as I remembered from the bygone era of my childhood and I wanted to share my thoughts and knowledge on Deception in the year 2021. I delved back into Deception over the next two weeks, Konquest mode, the Krypt, 1v1 Kombat, the whole nine yards. So I bought a used copy on Mercari for $10-15 plus shipping and after an error on the part of USPS I received the game about a week later. While reminiscing and writing about the game and altogether reveling in the nostalgic memories of my youth, I developed an itch to once again get my hands on Deception and see if the title stood the test of time in my eyes. I recently covered my personal experiences with Deception in a previous post, detailing the love I had for the game and how many hours I spent across all the game modes, particularly Konquest.